Sample and Associated Data Request


Sample and Associated Data Request


In order to request samples, the relevant kidney stone sample request (.pdf) must be filled in, signed and submitted to BICUIB via the form below. The research project must be included for which the samples are required, as well as a positive review of the project issued by an authorised Ethics Committee.

The process for submitted requests is as follows:

  1. A review undertaken by the BICUIB technician (regarding available samples)
  2. An assessment by the BICUIB Scientific and Ethical Committees to ensure the ethical and appropriate use of requested samples
  3. An assessment by the BICUIB Director of Science
  4. Signing the relevant Sample Transfer Agreement with the requesting researcher and the institute managing the research project
  5. Preparing and dispatching the requested samples and data.

Start processing




Samples for research are free of charge and compensation is required only for the costs associated with obtaining, processing and storing them, and for the administrative handling of requests.


The requesting researcher undertakes to mention the provenance of the samples in all the works that derive from them, in the 'Materials and Methods' and 'Acknowledgments' sections, following the model indicated below:


'Material and Methods' section:

  • Català: Les mostres biològiques i les dades associades incloses a l'estudi es van recollir, processar i cedir pel Biobanc de Càlculs Renals de la Universitat de les Illes Balears, seguint procediments normalitzats de treball i amb laprovació del Comitè dÈtica i del Comitè Científic.
  • Espanyol: Las muestras biológicas y los datos asociados incluidos en el estudio se recogieron, procesaron y cedieron por el Biobanco de Cálculos Renales de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares, siguiendo procedimientos normalizados de trabajo y con la aprobación del Comité de Ética y del Comité Científico.
  • Anglès: Samples and data from patients included in this study were provided by the Renal Calculi Biobanc from University of Balearic Islands and were processed following standard operation procedures with the aproval of the Ethical and Scientific Review Borards.


'Acknowledgments' section:

  • Català: Agraïm l'aportació dels pacients a l'estudi i la col·laboració del Biobanc de Càlculs Renals de la Universitat de les Illes Balears.
  • Espanyol: Agradecemos la aportación de los pacientes en el estudio y la colaboración del Biobanco de Cálculos Renales de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares.
  • Anglès: We want to specifically acknowledge the patients enroled in this study for their participation and the Renal Calculi Biobanc from University of Balearic Islands for its collaboration.